Today in 1989, 35 years ago: in Poland, the Parliament approves the change of the political and economic system and concludes the constitutional reform.
Today in 1954, 70 years ago: The Finnish National Bureau of Investigation is established to consolidate criminal investigation and intelligence into a single agency.
Today in 1905, 119 years ago: in Caldwell, Idaho, former Governor Frank Steunenberg is assassinated near his home.
Today in 1982, 42 years ago: in Peru, the state of emergency is implemented in 7 provinces, as the organization Sendero Luminoso ignores the Government's ultimatum.
Today in 2009, 15 years ago: A segment of the Lanzhou–Zhengzhou–Changsha pipeline ruptures in Shaanxi, China, and approximately 150,000 L (40,000 US gal) of diesel oil flows down the Wei River before finally reaching the Yellow River.
Today in 1853, 171 years ago: The Treaty of La Mesilla is signed, with which the United States acquires Mexican territory.
Today in 1993, 31 years ago: Israel establishes diplomatic relations with Vatican City and also upgrades to full diplomatic relations with Ireland.
Today in 1948, 76 years ago: at the New Century Theatre, in New York (United States), the Broadway musical Kiss me, Kate, by Cole Porter, is premiered. It will feature 1077 performances and will be the first show to win a Tony Award.
Today in 1944, 80 years ago: King George II of Greece declares a regency, leaving the throne vacant.
Today in 1460, 564 years ago: in Wakefield, England. The Lancaster side kills the third Duke of York and they win the Battle of Wakefield.
Today in 1850, 174 years ago: in Spain, Juan Donoso Cortés denounces administrative corruption, which causes the resignation of Ramón María Narváez and the appointment of Juan Bravo Murillo as president of the Council of Ministers.
Today in 1936, 88 years ago: in the United States, the United Auto Workers union begins its first strike.
Today in 2011, 13 years ago: Samoa abolishes the calendar day, so that it can advance 24 time zones, going from UTC-11 to UTC+13.
Today in 1988, 36 years ago: in Yugoslavia, Branco Mikulic leaves his position as head of government after accusing the autonomous entities of preventing the development of their anti-inflation policy.
Denkt man mal selbstehrlich nach, hat man eigentlich genau zwei Optionen: Zu akzeptieren, dass die menschgemachte Klima- und Umweltkrise die eine, alles bestimmende Metakrise […] …
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Orbit by Mozilla: KI-Assistent als Firefox-Erweiterung
Orbit by Mozilla ist eine Firefox-Erweiterung von Mozilla, welche den Browser um einen KI-Assistenten erweitert.Sören Hentzschel (
Sicherheitslücke bei Gematik
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La dura situación de los cristianos en Oriente Medio: violencia, miedo y persecución - La Esperanza
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La dura situación de los cristianos en Oriente Medio: violencia, miedo y persecución - La Esperanza
La reciente celebración de la Natividad de Nuestro Señor ha sido una ocasión de gozo para todos los cristianos del orbe, si bien tal alegría, que es justa y necesaria, no debe hacernos apartar la vista del sufrimiento que padecen muchos de nuestros h…CIRCULO CULTURAL ANTONIO MOLLE LAZO - MADRID (Periódico La Esperanza)
Tumaini heißt Hoffnung
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#ErzbistumPaderborn #UnserGlaube
Tumaini heißt Hoffnung
Waisenkinder und Behinderte haben es in den Dörfern Tansanias schwer. Schwester Adalbera findet Nachbarn, die sich um sie kümmern.lgoerdes (Erzbistum Paderborn)
Hoffnung konkret leben
Heiliges Jahr im Erzbistum Paderborn eröffnet: Zahlreiche Gläubige feiern Stationsgottesdienst in Gaukirche und Dom und treffen anschließend in einer „Erzählgemeinschaft der Hoffnung“ zusammen.
Der Medienmilliardär Döpfner hat die schon immer schwarzkonservative aber respektable Zeitung DIE WELT in ein bürgerlich-rechtsideologisches Kampfblatt umgebaut und leiht nun den Hugenberg gebend […] …
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#demokratie #döpfner #Konservativ #medien #musk #weidel #x
Un primer recuerdo a Aparisi y Guijarro (y II): «Hijo del pueblo» - La Esperanza
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