This is Friendica, version 2024.08 that is running at the web location The database version is 1571/1571, the post update version is 1550/1550.
Please visit to learn more about the Friendica project.
Bug reports and issues: please visit the bugtracker at github
Suggestions, praise, etc. - please email "info" at "friendi - dot - ca
Installed addons/apps:
impressum, markdown, newmemberwidget, phpmailer, smileybutton, startpage
Read about the Terms of Service of this node.
Site Owner: Katholisches Datenschutzzentrum Bayern KdoeR
Email Address: post(at)kdsz(dot)bayern
Postal Address
Katholisches Datenschutzzentrum Bayern KdoeR
Vordere Sterngasse 1
90402 Nürnberg